Dit is   Paulus1

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KreeftKreeftAap ~ VuurAap ~ Vuur
'Namaste / Hoi & Hi there ,

I was Born here in Holland in a charming Town called

Hilversum . From quite a young age I had an deep interest in

Spiritual life . . I, went to India for the 1th time when I was just

19 by the then famous Overland Bus route - that was in 1974

after that I have often travelled abroad & also lived in India

for a few years .

I have also visited and stayed in quite a few other Asian

Countries like Nepal / Sri Lanka / Thailand / Bali etc.etc. . . .

I was & I am still very interested in the Spiritual side of life &

living . and am trying my best to behave & live accordingly !

I am a vegetarian since I was 16 & I, don't drink or smoke .

I am easy going & not a Party person at all - I, prefer walks in

Nature or to sit on a nice cozy Beach etc. . . or, going to places

with less people around . I, love Sun rises & Sun sets .

I am back in Holland since April 2020 due to the Corona crisis

and its my Intention to Now stay 'permanently' in

Europe ! I, am in Amsterdam now but I will shift soon to

Deventer after the 27th of July 2021 since I have been

recently granted a House there "just oud-side the City

by about 4 kilometres in a small charming town" !

But, of course other warmer Countries in Europe also have

my attention to maybe live in & settle there in the Future !!

Spain is o. a. very attentive since The yearly climate is so

much better then Holland . . . Italy is also a great place to live

Who knows, maybe You too - - are thinking the same ?

lets see & maybe we might slowly make a plan together ?

In Nederland blijven is ook o. k. wonen Maar, het zou een

leuk idee zijn om daar soms te Over-Winteren enz. . . !

All option are open / en div. ideas are Welcome .

so, lets connect !

and make the 1th step / steps in a wonderful

relationship based on mutual Love / Trust &

Respect etc..etc. . .

- - - - - - - - - - - -

I, have One son He is 25 He lives in Breda & studies there

he is a pretty nice kid with a very cool mind & very mature

for his age - We have a good & easy relationship together .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, honestly believe in True Love & am seriously looking for the

same / and, I hate all kinds of lies or Mind games

its such a waste of Time .

" Eerlijkheid duurt het Langst "

This is more or less me , Now my dear

Where are You ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

p. s. ik heb alles in het Engels ingevuld omdat ik vind dat er iets meer 'flow' in zit dan in de NL taal - ik, ben ook meer gewend om in het in het Engels te communiceren enz. . . ik, zal het in de toekomst veranderen ! mvg. Paul'


  • Ik ben een man
  • En ben op zoek naar een vrouw
  • Ik ben 67 jaar
  • Jouw leeftijd doet er voor mij niet toe
  • Ik zoek iemand voor een serieuze relatie of een vriendschap
  • Ik ben op zoek naar iemand die een serieuze relatie zoekt
  • Mijn lengte is 176 cm
  • Jouw lengte maakt me niet uit
  • Ik heb een normaal postuur
  • Ik heb zelf kind(eren)
  • Ik woon in de provincie Overijssel
  • Ik heb als sterrenbeeld Kreeft
  • Ik heb als chinees sterrenbeeld Aap - Vuur
  • Ik heb geen kinderwens
  • Ik ben van W-Europese afkomst

Kunst & Cultuur

  • Ik hou van lezen
  • Mijn favoriete boeken:Ik heb altijd erg veel gelezen maar

    sinds de laatste jaren Nu erg veel over Geschiedenis.

    daarvoor erg veel Eastern Philosophy / Spiritual /

    Mysticism / Meditation / Yoga / Ayurveda etc..etc. .
  • Mijn laatst gelezen boek:The Philosophy of Heraclitus 'Change & Flow' .

    a very interesting idea about - How 'Nature & Change' are

    in Unique harmony !
  • Mijn favoriete schrijver(s):I love the Old Persian Mystics & Poets . . . so much Treasure

    there .

    also - Sufism / Hinduism / Zen Buddhism etc. . . .

    ah, There are so many amazing writers who have visited

    our Beautiful Planet Earth !
  • Ik hou van films
  • Mijn favoriete films / t.v. programma's:I have not seen Not much TV since the last 5 years

    but am a 'channel zipper' & I, like a bit of News with

    background information Just to stay in-tune with what is

    all going on in this fast changing World of ours .
  • Mijn laatste film:A semi Spiritual Movie called - The Fountain '2006'

    with Huge Jackman & Rachel Weisz .

    erg aan-te-bevelen !!!
  • Mijn favoriete acteurs en regisseurs:Many - I , recently discovered Chinese movies they

    are full with High Drama & Palace intrigues .

    amazing story lines & always set on a grand scale its very

    entertaining plus the Costumes they wear are a marvel of

    detail & beauty .

    See for example - 'The curse of the Yellow Flower' by

    Gong Li & Chow Yuan-fat .

    or another one called ' The Banquet ' !
  • Mijn favoriete dichters/gedichten:The Eastern classics ,

    Rumi / Hafiz / Saadi etc..etc. .
  • Mijn favoriete muziek:'Yoga on sacred ground' by Chinmaya Dunster

    and many many more .
  • Of ik van koken hou en mijn favoriete keuken:I am 100 % pure vegetarian & I don't eat or like onions ( little

    bits of garlic are o. k. / but onions is a Big No !!

    I, Love Indian / Italian / Mexican food .

    I am not into very spicy food ! mild is ok .

    I have a serious weakness for Indian sweets .

    I can Cook but it has to be a spontaneous manifestation

    but once in the right 'mood' things Do happen !

    I love Variety and my kitchen usually starts with a lot of empty

    shelves - but after a few months it will be pretty hard to find

    any empty space on them . . . . . and I do experiment in my

    'shopping adventures' ( as I call them ) I, buy & I, try - if I like it

    it stays if Not I, give it away . . . and so the 'search' goes on for

    that 'perfect' dessert or the tasty cookies or, for that cool bar of

    dark chocolade etc. . in short its Fun & I eat well !

    p. s. I do a variety Healthy food as well & Love all kinds of

    nuts almonds / walnuts . . . etc. . .


  • Ik hou van culturele en ontspannende vakanties
  • Ben ik een wintersporter? nee
  • Mijn favoriete vakantielanden:Sun Sea & Sand & some cool shade !

    in Asia , India - Nepal - Sri Lanka etc..etc. . .

    in Europe . Italy - Spain - Greece

    Wintersport eh, . . . maybe - but not into skiing etc . . . but

    staying in a cool Hotel with a big fireplace while its

    snowing outside is for sure very Romantic !

    so Yeah, count me in .

    - - - - - - -

    p. s. na 27 th July 2021 ga ik verhuizen in NL en ga net

    buiten Deventer wonen .
  • Houd ik van kamperen? nee

Hobby & Sport

  • Ben ik sportief? ja recreatief
  • De sporten die ik beoefen:I , Love Swimming / walking in Nature .

    I love Forests / lakes / the Sea / the Ocean .
  • Mijn hobbies:I used to Photograph a lot while in India . . . .

    and I have a good eye for detail & 'out-of-the-way moments' !

    I Love Antiques & also like Precious & semi-Precious

    stones & have a weakness for raw Emeralds & I like

    Turquoise .

    I also like well made Silver jewellery .

    Never take me to an Antique market I will be 'lost' for hours

    there - I, love such places so much treasure there .
  • Heb ik huisdieren?Don't have any at the moment .

    I like & love Cats / they are such a cool & wonderful species .

    and I do like dogs but then I 'prefer' the exclusive ones for

    example an Afghan dog is pure beauty - ever seen one ?

    they don't walk - They 'dance' with those long hairs flowing

    in the wind its an amazing sight .

    But all animals are fine with me . . . . .


  • Mijn politieke voorkeur is midden
  • Hoe ik de politiek volg:Yes , I do follow the daily News Papers online & read the

    Global news .

    but in a Non-active way !,

    don't really like Politics .


  • Mijn geloof is anders
  • Ik belijd mijn geloof als volgt in praktijk:In a easy Spiritual way / some Meditation / a bit of Yoga etc. &

    with a simple Healthy lifestyle to match !

    I like the approach & The philosophical ideas of Hinduism

    its vegetarian lifestyle / respect & love for all etc. . .

    I do my best - I try - I am Human .
  • Mijn levensovertuiging is vegetarisme


  • Ik ben een huiselijk persoon
  • Spiritualiteit is belangrijk voor mij
  • Ik hou me als volgt bezig met spiritualiteit:My Spiritual outlook is visible in my daily Life & Living .

    Being a pure Vegetarian / being Aware & Awake

    My daily Meditation practice .

    And trying to stay in Tune with The Spiritual side of living !

    the World goes its Way - I Go mine .
  • Het belang dat ik hecht aan samen dingen doen:It all depends / Would love to share all !

    I am very open minden about this .

    But, being a Vegetarian or semi Veg. would be appreciated !

    lets see, also some creative flexibility is cool & o. k.

    But living with a 'Heavy' Non - Veg person will be a bit

    difficult for me .

    anyway lets see - all Doors are open . . . . . . . . .
  • Het contact met mijn vrienden omschrijf ik zo:Regular / easy and simple .

    real Friends are good to have !

    it makes life pleasurable in all its interactions

    we learn from them / we share & and we grow .
  • De betekenis van seksualiteit voor mij:Its belangrijk !

    but , its Private and very Intimate almost Sacred for me !

    Lucky indeed are those who Match each other

    in this amazing communion of Two Souls .

    its wonderful its Unique .

  • Mijn werk:My Life - is, my Work .
  • Dit stop ik in mijn rugzak als ik een jaar weg zou gaan:You !
  • Ik verwen mijzelf zo:Yes , by buying something I like

    could be a book / a new shirt / or, even something silly

    its The gesture - Not the gift !

    it helps keeping the 'inner child' alive . . . be happy / be alive !
  • Dit is waar ik van geniet:Ah, . . quite a few But I love walking with my naked feet on

    the still wet grass in the early mornings / that is such

    an amazing experience !

    Watching a spectacular Sun-rise or Sun-Set

    Just being with someone You Love !

    and being cozy & cuddling up together !
  • Ik kan me ergeren aan:Hyped-out & spoilt screaming small kids !

    They seem to be always on a plane or train seat

    Just behind You . . . . . . horrible .
  • Hoe je een relatie levendig houdt:Being & remaining Spontaneous

    Caring & listening to each other

    being there for each other Always .
  • Ik geef (mijn) kinderen deze normen en waarden mee:Do you're own Thing !

    but never Go extreme in Life !

    the middle path is best . . . .

    as we grow / we learn !
  • Hoe ik met tegenslagen om ga:Always keep going Forward - don't look back !

    keep Faith in yourself !
  • Mijn lijfspreuk:Only Love / no Lies

    Only True Love will set You Free

    have Faith & keep Going !
  • Ik ben een ochtendmens
  • Waar ik om kan lachen:Ah, . . . that would be a long list .

    But ,

    laughing is the perfect stress release

    The perfect medicine for everyone !
  • Het belang dat ik hecht aan humor in een relatie:Its fun / its much needed !

Hypothetische situaties

  • Als mijn partner vreemdgaat, betekent dat voor onze relatie:Sorry, I am a bit Old School

    so , Its Not ok .

    But, we could talk about it - after all We are Human beings

    and 'mistakes' of Head or Heart do happen in life .

    but its better to avoid It . . . . and stay Faithful to each

    other .
  • Wat ik vind van alleen op vakantie gaan:Its ok .

    its cool !
  • Wat ik doe als ik morgen plotseling miljonair zou zijn:Trying to keep Breathing .

    and, Sharing it around with all those who have Less !
  • Wat ik ervan vind als mijn partner vaak erotische literatuur leest:Its ok .

    we might talk about it / lets see .

    or , maybe read some to me . . . . . .

    whoohoooooooo . . . . .
  • Wat ik doe als ik niet meer tevreden ben met mijn werk:Move on .


  • Ik rook niet
  • Ik drink niet
  • Ik besteed veel aandacht aan een gezonde levenswijze
  • Hoe breng ik een gezonde levensstijl in praktijk?Keeping up-to-date with all the new information !

    always having variety & using seasonal foods !

    I love - Home cooking .
  • Wat ik doe aan uiterlijke verzorging:Whats needed / will be done .

    with care .

    Shower in the morning / Shower before bed .

    nice smells are Very welcome too

    some tiny bit of good perfume etc. is cool .

    I got lots of clothes / hardly wear them - I, hope

    You will change That !

Ben jij spiritueel ondernemer?