Door   Keltoi, 23 juni 2016, 23:08

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My Celtic soul

This is the man who awakened my love for Celtic music.
I was 14 years old.
At the time, I was already obsessed to know everything about the Celts. Something inside me had been screaming, I am a Celt, I do not belong here, I belong to the Celtic world. It was a feeling of homesickness, a yearning beyond all words, so strong that it was unbearable.
But I had yet no idea, Celtic ways and language and music was still alive and well in Brittany, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. When I found out, I was jumping with joy and excitement.
When I heard this music, it went so deep inside my soul, realms of recognition were opening up, I cried and laughed and danced all at the same time, I had finally found my home.
This was the music that told me everything I needed to know.
I finally knew who I was.
And my soul found peace. . .
If you read this all through, I thank you.
And thank you Alan Stivell !!!

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