Spirituele Agenda Netsamen


Divine Tantric Play Massage Shibari Zintuigenreis

Datum: 13-04-2024
Locatie: Hendrik van Wijnstraat, 10, 1065 AS Amsterdam, Noord-holland
Door: Wilde Ziel
Prijs: € 50,00
APRIL 13 , SPECIAL SPRING EDITION with: Divine Tantric Body Puja | Massage | Hot tub!!*
Experience Divine energy and expand your consciousness on a playful way! Free flow event, with warming up workshop, safe setting.
This time on the program: a special Tantric Spring Puja (ritual) for awakening the wisedom of our sacred body, guided by Mark and Janine (Wilde Ziel)

*PLEASE READ THIS: Buy your ticket in time: We love to provide you a hot tub! But the hot tub will only be there, if it is installed on Friday night (it has to warm up!) and if we know there are enough participants. So if there are 20+ tickets sold at Fridaynight 18:00 hours, we do this with LOVE for you...

(FYI: Last two times there were 20+ !!! participants, but unfortunately most of them bought their tickets on Satruday)

Singles and couples, welcome!
The workshop is in Dutch/English.

Program Divine Tantric Play SPRING EDITION

19:30 Door open

20:00 Opening circle (arrive on time, door closes)

20:15 Warming up with Divine Tantric Body puja (ritual) by Mark and Janine from Wilde Ziel

21:15 Divine Tantric Play with: massage, shibari exchange, journey of the senses and optional HOT TUB*

23: 30 Sharing and closing circle

23: 45 Saying goodbye and cleaning up together

For more information go to our website:

www.centrumvoorhappiness.nl/project/divine-tantric-play-by-wilde-ziel/ (English)
www.wildeziel.nl/workshops (Dutch)

Are you for the first time? Please read this page: www.wildeziel.nl/tantra

It can be temporary sold out for men, try again later, or email us for the waiting list: wildeziel.contact@gmail.com.

The workshop is in Dutch/English
Toegevoegd op 28-03-2024
Tantra, Massage
Wilde Ziel
Hendrik van Wijnstraat, 10
1065 AS  Amsterdam
Telefoon: 0627033545